The Art Abode

Pennsylvania Impressionistic Art Gallery

Barry Michael Fabius
(local collector) says:

The beauty that is represented by The Art Abode is so stunning that it hits you right where it counts most -- the heart.

It is so fascinating to see how the Impressionistic paintings play so well off of the tribal figures and other sculptural items. The menagerie of art creates a scanctuary and envelopes the observer with a sun-filled warmth; bringing a big smile to one's soul.

Michael A. Tomeo


Our History.

Michael A. Tomeo, Director

I have been collecting art for many years. As a college student, after studying Art History, my attention turned to the retail art world as I began to acquire unique art pieces. Since 2005, my passion focused on art of the Delaware Valley region, in the form of Pennsylvania Impressionism. I discovered the great history of the Bucks County region, particularly the New Hope Circle of artists. Along with my growing interest, my art acquisitions expanded very rapidly, as I dedicated myself to building a great collection of paintings. As of 2009, the collection included over 100 original paintings. In addition to paintings, I also added complementary sculptural forms, mainly Tribal and African art.

My mission is to educate others on the beauty of art and to appreciate the great artist traditions of our region. I have bought and sold many items over the past decades and remain dedicated to this pursuit.

My Gallery is located in my home in New Hope, PA. The art fills my walls and resides on cabinets, tables and other surfaces in an aesthetic manner that helps illuminate its beauty while living and breathing in a most natural environment.

I have served as an Art Consultant to nascent Collectors and I continue to enjoy not only the educational process but also the “hunt” for great art that rings true to the individual seeking to build their own collection.

On my site you will see selected items that represent my collection. Pricing is available by request. Visitation to The Art Abode can be arranged on an individual basis.

Please email me at or I can be reached at 215-514-1486.

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